The Network Officially Supports Hillel, Inc. Stand Up for Students Call To Action

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May 14, 2024

In a significant step towards advocating for Jewish student rights, The Network is honored to partner with Hillel International Stand Up For Students call to action. Guided by The Network’s core mission to help build a world where all people have the support they need to thrive, and guided by fundamental Jewish principles of justice and equality, we call on university presidents and administrators to take the following action to ensure a safe environment for Jewish students:

  • Enforce your rules and campus codes of conduct to actively prevent threats, violence, and vandalism. Take the necessary steps to prevent or end unlawful building occupations and encampments.
  • Stop harassment, intimidation, and threats directed at Jewish and Israeli students. No student should EVER feel targeted on their own campus because of who they are or what they believe.
  • Hold classes as scheduled, in their classrooms, and prevent faculty from canceling classes or moving them to encampments. The primary purpose of colleges and universities is for teaching and learning. No student should have to sacrifice their education because of the demands of protestors.
  • Prepare for graduation and commencement ceremonies so that these milestone lifecycle events are not canceled or disrupted.
  • Invest in a healthier campus environment that prioritizes, holds space for, and builds students’ skills to have difficult conversations and be in conversation across different views and identities.

We are joined in this effort by the following organizations:

ADL (Anti-Defamation League)
Masa Israel Journey
AJC (American Jewish Committee)
Moishe House
Mosaic United
Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority
Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies
Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity
Alums for Campus Fairness
Passages Israel
Association of Jewish Aging Services (AJAS)
Birthright Israel Foundation
Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity
Black and Jewish Leaders of Tomorrow
Sigma Delta Tau Sorority
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Gesher (bridge) Israel
The Jewish Agency for Israel
Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America
The Jewish Education Project
Israel on Campus Coalition
The Jewish Federations of North America
JLIC – Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus
UJA-Federation of New York
Jewish Federation Los Angeles
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism
Jewish National Fund-USA
Young Judaea Global
Jewish United Fund Chicago
Zeta Beta Tau International Fraternity
Jewish on Campus
Zioness Movement
Maccabee Task Force
Zionist Organization of America

We hope all members and affiliates of The Network will join us in signing and promoting this petition found here. Individuals are also welcome to sign.