Network Statement on Stop-Work Order & Federal Funding Pause

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January 29, 2025

The Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies joins its U.S. member agencies in shock and condemnation of the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) memo enacting a pause on federal grants and loans, and last Friday’s sudden stop-work order issued by the U.S. State Department, upending the critical services Network member agencies provide to refugees who came to this country through legal pathways. Both actions represent unprecedented actions enacted without warning and effectively abandon millions of people across the country and around the world that were promised support through bipartisan Congressional action.

  • The OMB freeze, which was temporarily blocked from taking effect until next week, continued to change over the last two days with contradictory guidance and statements from the Administration. The freeze, as proposed, would have devastating implications for millions of people from all backgrounds and communities across the country, unilaterally stripping them of access to critical services. While we are thankful to hear suggestions that some programs such as Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, and SNAP are not subject to the funding pause, we urge the Administration to withdraw the funding pause on all impacted programs and services immediately. The funding that would be withheld went through the proper approval and allocation channels in Congress, but would be at risk without advance warning, further imperiling The Network’s 160 U.S. provider agencies and the millions of clients they serve each year.
  • Last week’s stop-work order abandons those who have been resettled through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program and as such are entitled to essential resettlement supports provided within their first 90 days of arrival, all with the goal of ensuring they are fully supported on their path toward self-sufficiency. Additionally, this order overrules funding allocated and agreed upon through the congressional allocation and budget process, where these programs consistently enjoy bipartisan support.

The community members impacted directly by these actions now find their lives threatened by losing access to nutrition programs, care, and emergency housing in the middle of winter, or by being forced to fend for themselves just days after coming here through legal channels and in response to very real threats to their safety resulting from war or persecution. These community members, the vast majority of whom are employed and contributing to their local economies, now find themselves deserted by the government that had committed to make available needed support services.

Meanwhile, The Network’s member agencies providing these services in communities across the country, face constant threats to their programs and clients, including antisemitic assaults resulting from their status as Jewish human service providers, all amidst a growing national climate of hate, intolerance and polarization.

The Network and its member agencies remain dedicated to continuing the support of the most vulnerable members of our communities. This commitment is a hallmark of both the founding of this country and the core Jewish value of “caring for the stranger” which informs all client services. We urge the Administration to immediately withdraw the funding pause placed on wide-ranging programs and services that save lives in communities across the country each day and repeal the stop-work order impacting recently resettled refugees.