Get Help Israel webinar ‘Worry and Be Happy’
ISRounds: A Virtual International Mental Health Educational Series – for FREE!
World class experts share their wisdom and expertise to support the clinical work and professional development of mental health professionals in Israel and around the globe. Other medical and human service professionals are cordially invited.
ISRounds programs will be apolitical, non-commercial, and non-sectarian.
Academic Co-Sponsor: Department of Psychiatry, UMass Chan Medical School
Course Overview
The Harvard Study of Adult Development is one of the only studies in history to track the same people from adolescence into their 90s, to find out what really makes us thrive. It is the breadth and depth of our relationships with other people that is the key to wellbeing as we age – not just happiness, but physical health as well. Loneliness, on the other hand, is toxic, and the Harvard Study demonstrates that material things make us less happy than experiences.
In this powerful conversation, Professor Waldinger, director of the Harvard Study, and Shira Lankin Sheps, author and Executive Director of The SHVILLI Center, will consider the findings of the Study as a launch point for engaging in a spirited discussion about the personal, interpersonal and communal effects of the current situation in Israel, a society where stress, worry and constant threats to wellbeing coexist with an intense degree of community and interpersonal connectedness. To what extent do ongoing, powerful, shared communal experiences inoculate Israelis from the cultural pathologies that have given rise to the so-called loneliness epidemic in Western societies like the United States? Alternatively, when does “fighting the good fight” become an overwhelming problem in its own right?
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