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Networking for Job Seekers

Join fellow job seekers each Friday to connect, network and learn how to adjust to the new employment landscape and current job market. During this weekly session you connect with peers and will discuss with your peers how to identify, develop, and implement networking strategies and opportunities. Attendees...

Professional Portfolios

Join JVS Careers for our Professional Portfolio Basics webinar. Our experts will provide you with the first steps to start your professional portfolio and more!

Résumé Revamp: Make Your Skills Stand Out

Gain insights on how to tailor your résumé to specific job descriptions, highlight your skills and industry experience, and create an impactful Career Summary.

ReStart: Conquering Imposter Syndrome & Elevating Interview Skills and Reclaiming Your Voice: Communication and Assertiveness Mastery *This workshop is for Survivors of Domestic Abuse

This workshop is designed for survivors of domestic violence who are ready to join the workforce and interview for a job, but still hear the words of their abuser echoing in their minds. You will discover your inner strength and rebuild your confidence in this empowering workshop tailored...

Digital Skills for the Workplace

Ready to enhance your digital skills for the job search and beyond? Join us for the Digital Skills for the Workplace series, powered by AT&T. *Note: If you are receiving unemployment benefits through the State of Ohio, participation in this workshop qualifies as job search activity.

POP-UP JOINT NETGroup: Disabilities Services Professionals, Disabilities Residential Directors, Disability Employment

Topic: SPECIAL TIMELY POP UP Join the Disabilities Residential Execs NETGroup, the Disabilities Services Professionals NETGroup, and the Disabilities Employment Professionals NETGroup for a joint session marking Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month (JDAIM). Jonathan Schrag, Network Director of Public Policy and Advocacy, will center the discussion...

A Complete Guide to Transitioning Careers

Feeling stuck and that it's time for a change in your career? We will discuss how to effectively switch careers by identifying transferrable skills, strength stock-taking, and the best way to shift your personal brand. In this workshop you will learn exercises that will help you gain clarity,...

Handbills & How to Market Yourself to More Connections

Handbills, sometimes referred to as "networking resumes", are a vital tool in networking for a new position! Handbills are an efficient and effective way to show who you are, what you do and how you add value to individuals, companies and organizations.

ACL grant to Prevent Falls Among Older Adults submission deadline

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) has announced two new grant opportunities under its Administration on Aging (AoA) division to combat the growing issue of falls among older adults and adults with disabilities. Applications for both opportunities are due by Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. ET. Funding...

Acing the Interview

Join us to learn more about behavioral interviewing: "Tell me a time when you...". Sound familiar? Behavioral interview questions can often catch you off guard when you aren't prepared with your example or your story to share with the person interviewing you. In this interactive workshop, Robin Amster...