Archive for Crisis/Emergency Response

Holocaust Survivor Services NETGroup: Resilience and Response to clients During a Crisis

Disabilities Professionals NETGroup: Disabilities Services in Israel During the War by Israel Elwyn

COOs/#2s NETGroup: How the war in the middle east and the rise in antisemitism has impacted us, our clients, and our agencies

Post DC Rally & Additional Resources- JFNA

What We Talk About- Navigating Conversations About Antisemtism JFS Seattle

NETTalk: Fundraising in the Midst of a Crisis in Israel (presentation)

NETTalk: Fundraising in the Midst of a Crisis in Israel (recording)

Newcomer Resettlement Services NETGroup: Geopolitical Conflicts: Mental Health of Staff and Clients

Lay Leadership NETGroup: Unpacking the Impact of the War in Israel on Member Agency Boards (Presentation)

Lay Leadership NETGroup: Unpacking the Impact of the War in Israel on Member Agency Boards (recording)