Archive for Mental Health

LGBTQ Elder Depression Flyer

Handout- When You’re Concerned About Loved Ones in an Area of Armed Conflict- Wellspring EAP

Youth & Family Clinical Services NETGroup: Managing and Adapting Practice (MAP) Model, a system designed to help bring evidence-based practices, resources and clinical tools in a user friendly and practical format to mental health providers working with youth

Newcomer Resettlement Services NETGroup: Geopolitical Conflicts: Mental Health of Staff and Clients

Clinical Services NETGroup: an introduction to the NeuroAffective Relational Model (Recording)

Clinical Services NETGroup: an introduction to the NeuroAffective Relational Model (Presentation)

Addiction & Substance Abuse NETGroups– Psychedelic Assisted Therapy and Addiction (presentation)

Addiction & Substance Abuse NETGroups– Psychedelic Assisted Therapy and Addiction (recording)

Youth & Family Clinical Services Professionals NETGroup: Introduction to Play Therapy (Recording)

Introduction to Play Therapy (Presentation)