Archive for Video/Audio Recording

NETTalk: Fundraising in the Midst of a Crisis in Israel (recording)

Newcomer Resettlement Services NETGroup: Geopolitical Conflicts: Mental Health of Staff and Clients

Volunteer Services NETGroup: Zoom and In-Person Volunteer Team Building Activities

Lay Leadership NETGroup: Unpacking the Impact of the War in Israel on Member Agency Boards (recording)

State of The Jewish Workplace 2023- Leading Edge (recording)

Clinical Services NETGroup: an introduction to the NeuroAffective Relational Model (Recording)

Transportation NETGroup: Coordination of Rides

Chief Financial Officers NETGroup: the complexities of financial reporting: operational financial statements vs. GAAP financial

ome Care Administrators NETGroup: Discussion of the Hogeweyk Dementia Village in Amsterdam

Addiction & Substance Abuse NETGroups– Psychedelic Assisted Therapy and Addiction (recording)