Archive for Video/Audio Recording

Food Pantry Professionals NETGroup: The challenges your pantry faces in providing necessary Kosher and Halal options

COOs/#2s NETGroup: How the war in the middle east and the rise in antisemitism has impacted us, our clients, and our agencies

Evaluation Professionals NETGroup: JEVS Community-based Participatory Program Eval (recording)

Disabilities Residential Executives NETGroup: how we look at our adults’ personal plans and address their goals

Lay Leadership NETGroup: Shared Leadership: Striving for a Strong Board/Professional Partnership (Recording)

Evaluation Professionals NETGroup: Participatory Evaluation

NETTalk The Power of Hello with Secure Community Network

Addiction & Substance Abuse Services NETGroup- Launch Meeting

NETTalk Cybersecurity- Is Our Website Secure?

What We Talk About- Navigating Conversations About Antisemtism JFS Seattle