Archive for Advocacy

Statement Opposing Termination of Temporary Protected Status

The Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies opposes the White House decision to terminate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Salvadorans. NJHSA remains firm in our view that our nation was founded with values of respect for all and that our country should remain a source of comfort and refuge for all who need a haven.

Statement on DACA

With our commitment to refugee services firmly rooted in the fabric of our member agencies, the Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies strongly opposes the administration’s decision to set an end date to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

Statement on Charlottesville

The Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies is resolute in its opposition to the openly racist, bigoted, and anti-Semitic protests which took place this past weekend.

Statement in Support of Legal Action in Response to Refugee Ban

The Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies stands in full support of its member agencies; HIAS, Jewish Family Service of Seattle and Jewish Family Service of Silicon Valley who have joined together in a class action suit against the administration’s most recent travel ban.